Ramsuratkumar, affectionately known as "The Godchild of Tiruvannamalai," was a beloved spiritual figure in 20th-century India. Born on December 1, 1918, in a small village in Tamil Nadu, he experienced a profound spiritual awakening at a young age. Choosing the life of a wandering sadhu, Ramsuratkumar eventually settled in Tiruvannamalai, a sacred town renowned for its association with the great saint Ramana Maharshi.
In Tiruvannamalai, His presence drew devotees from far and wide, captivated by his unconditional love and profound compassion. Despite living as a beggar, he exuded a divine aura that transcended societal norms, touching the hearts of all who encountered him. Many revered him as an embodiment of divine grace, capable of bestowing blessings and spiritual upliftment upon his followers.
A defining aspect of Ramsuratkumar's life was his continuous chanting of the sacred mantra "Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram," which he believed held immense spiritual power. He encouraged devotees to fervently repeat this mantra as a means to invoke divine grace and attain spiritual realization.
Living a life of simplicity and austerity, He remained detached from worldly possessions and desires. His teachings centered on surrendering to the divine will and cultivating unwavering faith and devotion. Despite his lack of formal education, he possessed profound wisdom that resonated deeply with seekers who sought his guidance at his humble abode in Tiruvannamalai, known as the Ramanasramam.
Ramsuratkumar departed from his physical body on May 20, 2001, but his spiritual presence continues to inspire and guide devotees worldwide. His life serves as a powerful example of the transformative power of love, compassion, and devotion, inspiring countless individuals on the path of spiritual awakening and self-realization.
Yogi Ramsurat Kumar, a revered saint known for his devotion and holding a fan, is commemorated in our Herisculpt statue finished in Antique Gold. This replica captures the essence of heritage associated with Ramsurat Kumar. Crafted from eco-plastic material, the statue stands 5 inches tall with dimensions of 3.2 inches in width and 3.6 inches in length.
Ecoplastics align perfectly with the ethos of timeless craftsmanship and environmental responsibility, being derived from renewable sources like corn starch and sugarcane. They mimic traditional materials while reducing carbon footprints and promoting biodegradability. Versatile and durable, these materials enhance both the aesthetic and ethical value of products, providing quality products to our patrons seeking seeking historical elegance with modern sustainability.